Equality & Inclusivity

At LUU, we want to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to access and experience what we offer.

This means proactively seeking to address all types of discrimination, recognising and removing any barriers our people or members may face. This is to ensure everyone feels valued as part of LUU and can achieve their full potential. 

At LUU this means we will ask everyone to respect all others, know their own rights and recognise their own role and responsibilities to ensure this is possible.

Only by living out our value of being inclusive can we truly achieve our vision, 

 ‘Together, we’ll make sure you love your time at Leeds’

What does Inclusion include?

LUU strives to ensure individuals are not discriminated against any of these protected characteristics:


Race and Ethnicity

Religion or Belief


Sexual orientation


Gender reassignment

Marriage and civil partnership

Pregnancy and Maternity

This is not an exhaustive list. Find out more about the nine protected characteristics here.

Inclusion at LUU

Staff Networks

Our staff networks are here as a forum for our people to come together, share ideas, raise awareness of challenges and support one another. Our groups are open to any of our staff who identify with the group. 

Find out more about each of our current networks here.

Want to start up a new Staff Network? Contact the People Team via unihr@leeds.ac.uk. 


Collect a pronoun badge from The People Team office.

You can't always know what someone’s pronouns are by looking at them. So having this information on badges helps us all. 

Asking and correctly using someone's pronoun is one of the most basic ways to show your respect for their gender identity.

Find out why pronouns matter here.

Cultural Calendar

Our LUU Cultural Calendar includes key international and national events alongside LUU staff events and dates for your diaries.  

We'll be adding new events regularly, so don't forget to check back.

Is there something you'd like to see added? Get in touch with the People Team via unihr@leeds.ac.uk.

Find Out More