Mental Health Support
Mental Health Support
LUU believes that the mental health and wellbeing of our people is extremely important and we want to do all that we can to ensure that we are supporting our staff and helping to raise awareness of the support that is available. All staff are encouraged to raise concerns about their mental health and wellbeing with their manager, or if they feel more comfortable with a member of the People Team. We want to support our people and often the best way we can do that is by being aware that there is a concern. All staff at LUU can also access the following anonymous support:
Workplace Support
Your Line Manager
If you are experiencing any difficulties, having a chat with your line manager might help. Feel free to ask them for a meeting.
The People Team
If you are having problems in the workplace and need some advice you can contact the People Team. Our HR Officers will be happy to arrange a meeting with you.
Contact details:
Help and Support
Student Staff can make an appointment to meet a Student Advisor within our Help and Support team. They offer advice on a wide range of topics that affect students. For more details on how to book an appointment and online advice follow this link.

Employee Assistance Programme
From October 2021 we have a new EAP powered by Health Assured Wisdom.
An EAP is a confidential program designed to help you deal with personal and professional problems that could be affecting your home or work life, health and general wellbeing.
Life Support & Counselling
Legal Information
Bereavement Support
Medial Information
Online CBT
You can access support via live chat through the Health Assured Wisdom app (unique code MHA152161, for more info take a look at this guide), by calling 0800 028 0199 or visiting with the username 'endsleigh' and password 'StudentUnions'
Don't worry, we don't have access to any personal information you provide.
This online health and wellbeing, service offers self help programmes, creative outlets and an online community that cares. When you are dealing with everyday stressors or major life events they will help you get through it. To create an account simply choose 'Universities' under the Organisation tab. All LUU staff can log in to this service by using your @leeds email address. Follow this link to sign up.
Student Minds
This is a student mental health charity offering support to students and they are based on campus. For more information on how they can support follow this link.
If you would prefer talking therapy then there are free options open to you. LUU works in partnership with Leeds University to provide free counselling services to all LUU Staff. To find out more information and book an appointment, follow this link. If you are a student member of staff then you can find out about the support available to you here.
You may be interested in paying to see a private counsellor. This can mean that you don't face the long waiting lists that often come with NHS funded counselling. Private counselling also offers a wider range of support and approaches that is not available on the NHS. If you want to explore this option then find out how to find a therapist then the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) has more information.

You can also access free counselling through our EAP in the form of one off calls, or structured sessions.
You are able to access up to six structured telephone counselling sessions, per year, per issue.
Read through the leaflet to find out more about calling the EAP helpline.
Useful Contacts & Resources
Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service
If you would prefer to access free counselling and therapies outside of the University then Leeds residents can find support through Mental Wellbeing in Leeds, (formerly Leeds Improving Access to Psychological Therapies).
They offer a range of evidenced based psychological interventions, including group based and 1:1 therapies, classes, workshops and online support options.
There are a variety of online therapy courses for topics such as
Panic Attacks
Stress & Anxiety
Understanding self-esteem
Mental Health
Mind A-Z of Mental Health - Website
If you have questions about Mental health, be it your own, a team members or a friends, then the Mind's A-Z is a great place to start. In each topic you will learn about common signs and syptoms, treatments available and most areas have blogs or videos made by people who have experienced the topic subject so you get a personal understanding.
Mental Health - Ted Talks 5 mins - 30 mins
A huge collection of Ted talks on Mental Health.
Online Support - PDF of Website Links
It is hard to know what websites and online support can actually be useful when you are searching for help. Leeds University Staff Counselling and Psychological Support Centre have compiled a list of recommended places to start looking.
Help @ Leeds - Website
Leeds University and LUU Student advice centre have developed a webpage filled with information designed to help the students of Leeds with their concerns, worries and problems. With information on Housing, Money, safety, academic concerns and even computing advice this is a great place to find some out of hours support. Have a look here.
How to cope with Student life - Website Resource 30 mins
Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing mental health problems. If you are worried about how having a mental Health problem as a student or have a friend who you are worried about this website can give you suggested ways of coping and links for support.
Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. They're there 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The Samaritans can offer support to those at risk of self harm. For more information see the Samaritans website by following this link or email
If you are concerned about self harm you can seek support from the People Team via
Mind also has a helpful guide and a list of useful contacts for those struggling with Eating Problems.