New Starters
Welcome to LUU
Our people are often cited as the top reason staff love to work at LUU, so welcome to a truly awesome place, we are so excited to have you join us.
We hope that the links and information on this page will help you settle in and find your way at LUU, we can’t wait to get you started.
If you have any questions then your first point of contact should be your manager, but you can always ask the People team on . Even if we don't know the answer we usually know the best person to ask.
Induction Checklist
This list is a guide for managers and new starters to ensure the best induction.
Apply for your logins
Computer and Email logins
Our Digital Services team will automatically create your email accounts for you. You will have login details for you and accounts sent to your email address- the one you provided when you applied for your role with us, keep an eye out for this and follow the login instructions in the emails.
You will be issued with an @leeds username and email which you will need to login to the computers, access the wifi and use outlook email system and an @luu account which you'll need to log into our payroll system, iTrent and use any G-suite apps you need for your role. If you are unsure which account you'll need for what, check in with your manager on your first day.
Staff Savvy login
Everybody in LUU uses our Staff Savvy system to clock in and out of work. If you work shifts at LUU rather than full time, then Staff savvy is where all the rotas will be set up. You will be given full training on how to use Staff Savvy in your role but for now all you need to do is request an account and work through the onboarding steps. This includes all your details to enable us to put you onto our payroll system.
Where will I be working?
Currently we have staff working in different locations;
LUU Building
There are some roles in LUU which are very operational, they tend to be the roles in our commercial areas and to do their work our staff need to be in the building. So if you are taking on one of our Bars and Venues roles, Facilities roles or Help and Support roles then the chances are you will be working in the LUU building all the time.
LUU building and Remote Working
We have some staff who are splitting their work week between being in the LUU building and being at home. Our senior managers are working in the building on rotation so there is always a senior manager present in the building ever day. Teams who are running a physical and digital service to students such as our Joblink and Advice team will also be working on a rota of some days in the building and some days remote working. This allows us to provide a physical service in the building but also keep staffing to a minimum.
Remote workers
We have several teams who are all working remotely currently to help to reduce the number of staff in the building, these are the teams who can operate their service digitally to our staff teams and members. It is expected at some point that these staff will return to work in the LUU building, as remote working was introduced in LUU during the Covid-19 outbreak.
Getting started
All our staff go through the LUU central induction checklist over their first three months, this is designed so that all our people learn everything they need to know about working at LUU. You will also have a local induction plan in your department to ensure you have the specific skills you need in your role.
But if you are keen to get started take a look at the resources we have below to help you learn more about LUU.
Our strategy
We are here to ensure all our members love their time at Leeds and our strategy shapes everything we all do to achieve that goal. Your induction will cover how your work objectives specifically contribute to LUU achieving our strategy. But why not take a look before you start to get an idea of what we are trying to achieve as an organisation.
Follow us
We have popular social media channels - take a look for yourself and get a taste of what we're up to.
Glossary of LUU Terms
Ask Anything - We encourage all our staff to ask us anything they like they can do this through our online form or in the Virtual huddle each week.
Celebrate Week - A week in May when we celebrate the achievements of our volunteers and societies.
Exec Officers - These are the 7 elected staff officers who fill the roles of Union affairs officer, Education Officer, Activities officer, Welfare officer, International officer, Community officer and the Equality and Diversity Officer
Hero of the week - Our weekly shout out and celebration of our colleagues who deserve a bit of gratitude. Anyone can nominate anyone in our huddle or our online form.
iTrent - This is our online HR system, all staff have access to the system.
Key dates calendar - A calendar on outlook that has all our closed days, term dates, team meetings and events that will affect all staff.
Lead LUU - This is the exciting election of our 7 elected Exec officers. We all get involved in someway or another.
Leave Leeds Tidy -Our community team lead the charge to up cycle anything our members no longer need or want when they move out of their accommodation. This helps reduce the waste in the heavily student populated areas of Leeds and keeps us on friendly terms with the neighbours.
Love to Learn - This is where all our online learning is housed and where you can sign up to classroom sessions, all staff have personalised access to the system.
LUU Closed days - There are a number of days in the calendar when the building is closed and no-one has to work. Yay!
People Team - In a lot of other organisations this is called the HR team.
Shining Stars - Our bi-annual celebration of our amazing staff who have been nominated by their colleagues for living our values. They win £100 and some serious pride and respect.
SLT - Our Senior Leadership Team, made up of our Chief Exec, Deputy Chief Exec of Student Engagement, Deputy Chief Exec of operations, Director of People and Quality, Director of Finance and Risk and Director of Digital.
SMG - Our Senior Manager Group made up of our senior managers across the organisation.
Staff Savvy- This is our online rota system that our commercial teams use and our clocking in and out system.
Summer Staff conference - Our one day a year when we close all of LUU and get our whole staff team together for a meeting, food and fun.
The Huddle - Our virtual weekly Wednesday catch up with all teams in LUU to find out what's happening that week.
Varsity - A huge event when the sports teams of Leeds take on the sports teams at Leeds Beckett.
SmokeFree Campus
Our Campus is now Smokefree between 8am and 6pm. Watch the video and have a read of the info below to find out more.
Or visit the Smokefree campus webpage.

Frequently Asked Questions:
What should I wear?
Our front facing staff at LUU are allocated with a uniform and any staff working in our catering outlets are given suitable safe and hygienic clothing to keep themselves and our customers safe. For our office based staff LUU has a smart casual dress code, the best way we can describe it is that we dress for our diaries. If we have interviews or important meetings we dress quite smartly but if we have a day at our desk without any meetings then we might be more casual.
Who can I talk to about any Pay/Tax questions?
If you have any concerns or questions about your pay then contact Hannah Jones the superhero who ensures we are all paid on time! For any tax enquiries we usually recommend that you talk directly to the tax office as we just do what we are told by them! But you can always check in with Hannah if you're not sure
What are you doing to ensure a Covid Secure work place?
We have a whole Intranet page dedicated to ensuring our people know everything we are doing to remain Covid Secure. We have very strict policies and procedures in place to ensure that our staff and members of the public using the building are kept safe. If your role requires you to work from the building you will complete a training module on Love to Learn before you arrive which gives you all the details you need about staying safe int he building. You will also receive local knowledge and training for your area of work and role. Generally though we are asking staff who can work remotely to do so currently whilst we have a reduced capacity in the building.