Staff Voice


LUU is a big place with a whole host of services on offer but essentially we are all working towards the same goal - to ensure everyone loves their time at Leeds. That’s why we think that all our people should know what’s going on in all areas of the union. We are always looking for ways to communicate across the organisation and we recognise the importance of hearing the voice of all our people.

Staff Voice Group

This is LUU’s new way of making sure your voice is heard.

The Staff Voice Group is a group of staff representatives who come together to receive info on key organisational matters, as well as provide feedback to LUU. This will be on a wide range of things such as; new processes and systems, updates to staff policies, new initiatives, organisational changes and spending decisions in relation to the staff engagement budget. The reps will meet three times a year with Harpreet Singh, our Director of People and Quality, Rachel Winfield, our Head of Employee Experience and Carla Thompson our HR Officer (Diversity and Engagement). 

Staff Voice is a platform for colleagues across the organisation to have their say. We ask that Team Leaders, SMG and SLT do not put themselves forward as staff voice reps, and instead present their feedback at Leadership Meetings.

Staff Voice Reps

Here are your 2023 Staff Voice Reps.

Get in touch with your feedback and ideas.

Academic Engagement

Dan Williams 

Bars - Old Bar

This team does not have a rep.

Contact The People Team if you are interested in being a rep.


This team does not have a rep.

Contact The People Team if you are interested in being a rep.


This team does not have a rep.

Contact The People Team if you are interested in being a rep.


This team does not have a rep.

Contact The People Team if you are interested in being a rep.


Luke Milward

Data, Devices and Platforms

Nathan Bladen


This team does not have a rep.

Contact The People Team if you are interested in being a rep.

Help & Support

Kate Matthews 

Independent Stores

Emily Stead


Helen Szczur 

LGS & People

Beth Cunningham 


This team does not have a rep.

Contact The People Team if you are interested in being a rep.

Marketing, Communications and Insight

Ilze Millere

Memorable Events

Natasha Pickles 

Student Activities

Emily Noble

Student Engagement

Rachel Cantlow

Tech, Logistics & Maintenance

Chris Mee 


Dec Hardman 

You said, You did - Winter 2022

You Said, You Did - Winter 2022

We think it's important our staff know the difference their voice is making. 

Have a read of our latest feedback to see the impact you've had so far.

Staff Suggestion Scheme

This is how it works...

1.  How can we improve LUU? You suggest a new, creative, innovative idea. 

2. We send that suggestion to the relevant member of staff for their thoughts. 

3. If we can, we implement the idea, we tell you and you win £20 in vouchers. 

4. If we can't implement the idea or we already do it then we tell you why. 

Easy as that.

You can submit your ideas using this form.

Successful suggestions from the past 6 months include;

You may have other requests which aren't necessarily a new idea, and wouldn't be counted as a staff suggestion. These are still useful for us to know, so here's the channels you can use