Race and Ethnicity

Every person, regardless of their ethnicity or background, should be able to fulfil their potential at work.

We want to encourage all staff to actively drive change, identify and help us to remove barriers to access and progression for ethnic minority groups.

Co-op, in partnership with LUU, has commissioned three murals at selected Co-op stores around the UK to celebrate local Black activists and community figures.

At LUU we’re on a journey towards becoming a truly ant-racist organisation. 

We have an Anti-Racism Steering Group who meet every semester. They work with staff and students on identified areas for action in order to embed anti-racism into our culture at LUU. 

Click here to view the poster for the campaign.


Language and Labels Handout

Inclusive Language

Inclusive language supports diversity and conveys respect. Non-inclusive language can convey bias, prejudice, and stereotypes, or even bigotry and racism. 

We recognise that any one term will not resonate with everyone. As such, we advise staff to be sensitive in the language and terminology used when talking about race and ethnicity. View our Language and Labels Guide to race and ethnicity by clicking the document to the left.

To BAME or not to BAME - Do we need an alternative term? Read this article from Inclusive Employers on the acronym BAME and why many organisations have stopped using it. 


LUU believes that to be the best organisation we can be all our people should be able to learn new skills and develop themselves whilst they work for us. Learning can take many forms, below are some educational resources, from podcasts and books, to platforms you can follow and articles you can read - hopefully there is something for everyone! To be an active ally, you should aspire to learn and develop your knowledge so that you can help others. 

Akala:  Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire

Akala picks apart modern myths around gangs and black youth disucssing the Windrush Generation and the institutionalised injustices that have led to recent crisis.

Listen to the podcast episode here.

Read the book linked here.

Gypsy, Roma and Irish Traveller Education

Jake Bowers is one of Britain's very few Romani journalists. 

Read this Online FAQ Pack

Watch this video on their history.

Liberate LUU

Moving beyond awareness and promoting action, Liberate LUU is here.

Liberation Library

Black Liberation

Asian Liberation

CIPD Reports on Race Inclusion

The CIPD showed that the role of line managers is key in tackling discrimination in the workplace.

Anti-racism guide for line managers.

Addressing the barriers to BAME employees progression to the top.

The BAMEed Network is an online platform that works towards an education sector that is reflective of society. Click here to explore their Resource Database. 

Some Anti-Racism courses on Love to Learn include:

Anti-Racism in the Workplace

Clear Lessons - Hair and Racism

Explore 'We are... Inclusive' on Love to Learn.

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