LGBTQ+ is an inclusive umbrella initialism for a variety of terms relating to sexuality and gender orientation, though it is not exhaustive. The umbrella term refers to all persons who consider themselves as non-heterosexual and/or non-cisgender. 

Our LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex and Asexual+) Staff Network is open to any staff who identify as LGBTQ+. 

It is lead by Ilze Millere (she/her) and meets to be a safe and confidential space to provide support for fellow LGBTQ+ staff. 

If you would like to be put on the mailing list then please use this simple form here.

For more information on the LGBTQ+ Network click here.

E D U C A T I O N 

Keeping educated on LGBTQ+ topics develops a greater understanding of diversity within our communities and wider society. As well as this, it increases knowledge about the LGBTQ+ communities rights, equalities, and the impact of stereotypes, prejudice and bullying.

Here are some resources to start you off.

LGBTQ+ Terminology

Many people avoid using certain LGBTQ+ terms because they’re afraid of saying the wrong thing and offending people.

 This glossary aims to give you the words and meaning to make conversations easier and more comfortable.

An Introduction to LGBTQ+ Flags 

Inclusive Employers have put together a list of some of the LGBTQ+ flags. 

Click here to read about where they came from and what they represent.


Being misgendered by the use of incorrect pronouns and assumptions can be extremely upsetting to people.

Read this article to learn more about what misgendering is, why it happens, and what to do if you misgender someone.

Guide to Bisexual History

Steven Taylor, an Inclusion and Diversity Consultant at Inclusive Employers, delves into the history of bisexuality while reflecting on his own personal experience.

Click here to read.

C L E A R   L E S S O N S   T R A I N I N G

Clear Lessons is a learning library from Charity Learning Consortium that consists of 1500+ bitesize videos that are designed to share expertise and experience on a range of topics such as workplace wellbeing, leadership, and EDI. Real people, real stories, no scripts. Check out these ones on Love to Learn to understand more about the experiences of LGBTQ+ people. 

This course is designed to give you an insight into peoples struggles with coming out. 

This course is designed to give you an insight into people's experience with homophobia and how that has impacted them.


Start by understanding the History of LGBTQ+ Rights in the UK.

Everyone can benefit from learning more about LGBTQ+ topics whether you’re a member of the LGBTQ+ community who wants to learn more about how history was made when it came to gaining rights, or you want to become an ally and support the community.

As leaders and managers, it is your responsibility to ensure that everyone in your workplace feels supported and has a safe space to work in every day. So, what can you do?