Policy 4.8 Learning Statement

LUU Learning Statement

LUU believes that when our people learn and develop we all become better at what we do and how we do it. This in turn helps even more of our members to Love their time at Leeds, which let’s face it, is why we are all here! We are committed to offering opportunities for learning and development and encourage our people to have fun whilst doing it.

We believe that all work is a process of continual learning and improvement so we provide our leaders and managers with coaching skills to help people draw out reflection and development from everyday tasks and projects.

We believe that learning comes from a huge variety of sources, sometimes it is formal learning sometimes it is more informal and often we learn without even realising it. We offer a blended approach to our learning in LUU using a wide variety of tools and resources. Occasionally though we need to look outside of the organisation's expertise to learn something new. We make funds available throughout the year and encourage expenditure on L&D where there is measurable benefit to the organisation.

In line with LUU's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy all our people will have equal access to learning and development opportunities. We will also take positive action if we believe there are key groups in our community who would benefit from specific opportunities. In doing so we will work closely with staff networks and other relevant groups to achieve this.

We recognise that our people work at different times throughout the day so we will be flexible to individual needs and offer a blend of learning opportunities.

To deliver another amazing strategic plan at LUU we have identified a set of skills that our people need to be truly competent in, This will enable us to achieve our vision to ensure everyone loves their time at Leeds. All our people will be:

Communicators - Our people are able to effectively communicate with all our stakeholders through a variety of mediums. They are skilled at flexing their approach for the situation.

Digital - Our people can work in collaboration with one another, they have the skills to communicate digitally, create engaging content and understand their teams digital presence.

Disciplined - Our people are disciplined in following processes and managing risk, they understand LUU’s finances and their departments contribution to our financial performance.

Empowering: Our managers and leaders empower our people to be high performing, they reward and motivate them to develop themselves and their work. They support our people whilst challenging them to stretch themselves to develop.

Enterprising - Our people ensure that their work and working environment is as sustainable as possible and they are enterprising and creative in finding solutions to challenges.

Happy, Safe and Well - Our people understand their own psychological, emotional and physical wellbeing and the influences on them. They are committed to staying safe at work and promoting a culture of safety management for all.

Inclusive - Our people are inclusive and challenge themselves to consider other perspectives and opinions to create an inclusive environment to work in.

Learners- Our people are coached to be high performing staff and empowered to take control of their own learning and development. They seek out opportunities to learn and share learning with others.

Serving - Our people give an outstanding level of service to everyone. Their engaging manner improves LUU’s reputation and encourages the people we interact with to return over and over again.