Policy 8.18 Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy

8.18 Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Policy Statement 

Leeds University Union believe that the health, safety and wellbeing of its members, visitors and staff is essential as we work towards delivering our vision ”together, we’ll make sure you love your time at Leeds”.

We are committed to providing the right resources to make this happen. We have developed appropriate Health, Safety and Wellbeing management structures and arrangements which are outlined in the documents attached to this statement. Further to this, we support the University of Leeds Health & Safety Policy with our commitment to Health, Safety & Wellbeing.

We recognise that for this policy to be effective it requires the full commitment of all staff and volunteers to make LUU safer for everyone. We believe that our managers and leaders play a vital role in achieving effective Health & Safety management and that these roles have additional responsibilities. A key policy objective is to ensure that Health & Safety is embedded and integrated into all roles and therefore not seen as a standalone issue.

We will achieve this by:

Staff Roles and Responsibilities 

All members of staff have the following Health, Safety and Wellbeing responsibilities: All members of staff and volunteers have the following Health, Safety and Wellbeing responsibilities:

·         To ensure one’s own Health, Safety and Wellbeing and that of others who may be affected by their work.

·         To co-operate with LUU on matters of Health, Safety and Wellbeing.

·         To be aware of the relevant LUU risk assessments, standards and procedures.

·         To comply with Health & Safety standards e.g. risk, control measures, codes of practice, relevant legislation / guidance, systems of work, etc.

·         To be aware of emergency procedures and local hazards.

·         To report any concerns regarding Health, Safety and Wellbeing to the appropriate responsible person.

·         To carry out and be involved, as appropriate, in the risk assessments associated with their area of work.

·         Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided for Health and Safety.

·         To report any accident, near miss or dangerous occurrence, however minor.

·         To not proceed with any activity if they feel it poses a threat to their Health, Safety and Wellbeing or to that of others and report it to the appropriate responsible person.

·         To take responsibility for being aware of and maintaining their own positive wellbeing. 

For our full Health, Safety and Wellbeing policy see the following link https://sites.google.com/luu.org.uk/luu-intranet/staff/health-safety-wellbeing/safe-workplaces