Policy 8.2 Whisteblowing
8.2 Whistleblowing
LUU is committed to conducting its affairs in accordance with the highest possible standards of integrity. LUU is committed to ensuring that it has procedures in place to help to expose any malpractice, misconduct, corruption or other impropriety.
Often a member of staff will be the first to discover such action. If you discover something of this nature although you may be reluctant to 'blow the whistle' on such suspicions you should do so without fear of victimisation or repercussions. This will be the case even if the suspicion is found to be without grounds, providing it is not malicious. The law provides protection from unfair dismissal for whistle blowers.
So that you are clear what type of actions fall within this category, whistle blowing is the disclosure of confidential information which relates to some danger, fraud or other illegal or unethical conduct connected with the workplace.
This may include:
· Criminal activity
· Financial malpractice or fraud
· Failure to comply with legal obligations
· Danger to health or safety
· Professional malpractice
· Abuse or misuse of LUU property
· Bullying or harassment
· Attempts to conceal any of the above.
Any disclosures will be dealt with fully, fairly, quickly and confidentially. LUU will endeavour to keep the identity of the 'whistle blower' secret wherever possible.
If you wish to blow the whistle on something you should contact the Chief Executive or, if the issue concerns the Chief Executive, the Union Affairs Officer or The People Team. You will be asked to put your concerns in writing. The relevant party will investigate the disclosure and take the appropriate action. You will receive a copy of the report on completion of any investigation.