Policy 8.20 Off Duty Staff Behaviour
8.20 Off Duty Staff Behaviour
We appreciate that many staff may want to socialise at LUU outside of their working hours. Staff are asked to remember that whilst you are off duty, you are still an employee of LUU and as such are expected to behave in a reasonable manner. Any reports of unacceptable behaviour or conduct which could bring LUU into disrepute will be investigated by an appropriate manager. If the issue is of a serious nature then you may be subject to LUU‟s disciplinary procedure and this could affect your future employment at LUU. LUU does not tolerate any incidents of bullying and harassment of customers or colleagues whilst on or off duty. If you choose to socialise at LUU you are expected to follow the same policies as our other guests (e.g. the responsible drinking policy) and will not receive special privileges in terms of the treatment you can expect from our staff.
Staff who are off duty but choose to socialise at LUU should not be involved in dealing with any work-related situations. If you spot any potential issues, you should bring this to the attention of a manager who is on duty in the normal way.
Accessing staff only areas off duty
Access to staff only areas e.g. offices, behind the bars, locker rooms and the staff room is strictly prohibited if you are not at work. It is not permissible to leave personal items in office areas whilst socialising in the building. Staff who intend to socialise in the building after their shift is finished should clear their lockers and remove any personal items from offices, locker rooms etc. in the normal way.
Staff Guest List policy
Any guest list requests should be directed through your line manager who will liaise with the Events department. You will then receive a reply confirming a slot or declining a guest list slot in the unfortunate case that the list is full. Please note, guest list is granted on a first come, first served basis and you’ll be required to show ID on the night of the event before being given your ticket. Please ensure if you are granted a position on a guest list that you then attend or inform the Events department if you know you can no longer make the event. Spaces are very limited and get snapped up quickly so if you can’t make it, we can pass your slot on to someone who wants it.
For Fruity, staff must collect their tickets on the night of the event no later than midnight. For any gigs, tickets must be collected by 8:30pm. If you do not collect your tickets prior to these deadlines, your guest list spot will be invalid.
If you attend an event on the staff guest list you are expected to follow the above guidance regarding your conduct and behaviour. The staff guest list does not allow for special privileges in terms of the treatment you can expect from our staff.
Staff Social Events
As a means of reward, LUU aims to provide social events from time to time for our employees. Although such social events usually take place outside of normal working hours, employees are expected to act within LUU‟s behaviours at such events. Specifically, employees who attend work-related social events must follow these principles:
Employees should consume alcohol in moderation, regardless of whether free drinks are provided.
It is strictly forbidden for any employee to use illegal drugs whether on LUU‟s premises or not.
LUU‟s policy on bullying and harassment applies to work-related social events. Employees should not say or do anything that could offend, intimidate, embarrass or upset any other person, whether meant as a joke or not.
Employees must not behave in any way that could bring LUU into disrepute.
A breach of the above rules may result in disciplinary action being taken.
The above principles are in place for the benefit of all employees and to ensure that everyone can enjoy work-related social events without fear of being made to feel uncomfortable by another employee's conduct.