Policy 8.5 Smoking Policy*
7.6 Smoking Policy*
Introduction and Aims
LUU, in partnership with the University of Leeds, is committed to the health and wellbeing of its staff, students and visitors. We are beginning a journey with a vision to create a ‘new normal’ on campus - a Smokefree culture where people work, study, research and relax in an environment free from tobacco smoke and where smoking is seen as unusual.
In this, the first step in the move towards a Smokefree campus, LUU recognises its moral, social and legal duty to allow people to work, study, research and relax here without being exposed to the harmful effects of smoking. It also aligns itself with the aims of Leeds City Council, the NHS, Public Health England (PHE) and the national Breathe 2025 initiative.
The aims of this Policy are to:
· Protect staff, students and visitors from the harmful effects of smoking behaviour
· Promote a safe and healthy Smokefree environment for staff, students, contractors and visitors
· Provide help and support to those who want to quit smoking
· Ensure that the University complies with legislation.
This policy becomes operational on 1 August 2019.
Scope and Definitions
This policy applies to all staff, students, visitors and contractors whilst on LUU premises, buildings, vehicles as well as University land, buildings and vehicles. It applies 365 days a year, regardless of whether it is during a time when the University is officially closed.
· Smoking products - including cigarettes, pipes, cigars, tobacco products (including chewing tobacco) and any device or substance that may be used for the purpose of smoking.
· Vaping products - including e-cigarettes with or without vapour.
· To smoke/ smoking - the action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco, or a drug.
· To vape/ vaping – the action or practice of inhaling and exhaling the vapour produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device.
Please note E-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes are substantially different products. A lit conventional cigarette contains tobacco and produces carbon monoxide, tar and smoke. An e-cigarette does not contain tobacco and heats up its liquid (usually containing nicotine) rather than burning it.
Procedures and Details
In all LUU and University indoor space, smoking and vaping is strictly prohibited.
· Indoor space includes all:
· LUU and University-owned and managed buildings including residences
· Vicinities of entrances to these buildings, including doorways and covered walkways
· Vehicles owned and operated by LUU or the University and leased vehicles used for LUU business
Between 8am and 6pm every day, people are asked not to smoke in the locations designated as the Smokefree Campus. At this stage the University is sympathetic to people vaping in the Smokefree Campus as vaping is recognised by Public Health England as an aid to quit smoking.
The Smokefree Campus includes all outdoor space on:
· Main Campus (all space, within the boundaries of Woodhouse Lane, Clarendon Road, Mount Preston Street, Leeds General Infirmary – LGI - and the inner ring road)
· Western Campus (Leeds University Business School – LUBS grounds)
· Fairbairn House
· All University-owned and managed residences
· All University-owned sports grounds (e.g. Sports Park Weetwood, Bodington Playing Fields)
LUU in line with other organisations does not offer specific smoking breaks. All staff are entitled to rest breaks dependent on shift lengths and staff can discuss with their line managers to agree how breaks are taken. Breaks do not count towards working time.
Quit Smoking Support
Signposting and support to quit smoking is available through Leeds University – see
Smoke Free Campus Link or contact smokefree@leeds.ac.uk or 0113 343 9737 (x39737).
The NHS offers support through local GPs and through the NHS Smoking Helpline 0800 022 4332