Policy 2.4.1 Emergency Involving a Dependant

2.4.1 Time off to deal with an emergency involving a dependant*

Staff are entitled to time off to deal with emergencies involving dependants. Under this arrangement up to five working days in any 12 month period will be provided as paid leave. Time off in excess of this may be granted as unpaid leave or taken from your annual leave entitlement. This entitlement will be pro rata for part time staff.

The types of things that are covered by this leave are:

The sudden illness of a dependant where immediate arrangements for their care need to be made.

The need to spend time with a child or close relative who is seriously ill.

The breakdown of normal care arrangements.

The need to make longer term arrangements to cope with a care problem.

This type of leave is specifically for emergencies only and should not therefore exceed one or two days whilst you make alternative arrangements for longer term care.

You should speak to your Line Manager, as soon as possible with your request for leave. On the first day of leave you will be expected to follow the normal rules for notification by contacting your Line Manager.