Policy 2.5.2 Assisted Conception*

2.5.2 Assisted Conception policy

Leeds University Union will grant up to five days' paid leave in any one calendar year for an employee to undergo fertility treatment. If the employee requires time off beyond the five days, the employee would be requested to take time off out of his/her annual holiday entitlement or unpaid leave. The amount of leave granted is at the discretion of the employee’s manager. In order to qualify for paid assisted conception leave, the employee must have a minimum of 12 months' continuous service.

Time off for fertility treatment up to the permitted number of days will be paid at the employee's normal rate of basic pay.

Any employee who wishes to take advantage of this policy must;

· provide evidence from a qualified medical practitioner that fertility treatment

has been approved

· At the at the request of his/her line manager, produce an appointment card

for each occasion on which time off is requested

Wherever possible arrange appointments at times that will cause the minimum amount of inconvenience to LUU and give as much notice as possible of what time off is required